
On my way home from work, I passed by a row of stalls by the sidewalk which sell fashion accessories, second hand books, cellphone accessories and other random stuff. I was thinking of getting a second hand book (which btw, looked brand new) worth half of it's bookstore brand new price, but I ended up buying fashion accessories. I feel like I need them because of work! Haha! I need to look presentable, okay? :P

Camera Earrings and Ring Set
This is my favorite! Aren't they adorable. I got these for PHP65.00 only! Yes, for both earrings and the ring!
I love the details!
Can you believe that this is only PHP90.00? Those being sold at malls are usually around 300-500PHP. 
Simpe and eye-catching at the same time
This. I've been wanting to get chunky white earrings but it always slips my mind, good thing I saw this pair! This is PHP40.00
This collar necklace is a little bit heavy when worn, but I like it! Hahaha! I got this for PHP130.00

Now, these mustache rings! These are adorable. I wanted to get all colors available, but it would be too much already! Hahaha! So I opted to just get black and pink. Black because it'll go well with almost everything and pink because, of course, it's my favorite color! These two are PHP80.00

The total price of all the items is PHP405.00 (more or less 10USD)! Good deal, right?


Chyrel Gomez said…
Love it! I want the silver cuff! And what a great deal! So cheap indeed!
Steph-G said…
I cant resist accessories as well especially when the price is awesome :D I'm a new follower and I'd love it if you followed back.. I'm a Filipina Blogger as well :D
Ishna said…
I know, right? If I bought all these at the mall, it would cost me twice the money I spent or even more!
Ishna said…
Thank you, Steph! :)
Heidi-likes said…
Fantastic buys, the moustaches are so cute :)
Ishna said…
Really cute! Thank you, Heidi!
really pretty jewellery!

Ishna said…
Thank you, Jessille!:)
Ishna said…
Really GREAATTT deal. Thank you, Laura.
Aya said…
Yeee cute stuff! Esp the little camera earrings and ring :D
Daisy Quijada said…
Argggh...Im so jealous of the Mustache rings..Arrrrghhh! I couldn't find one! Been looking for that too! :(

Michelle said…
Aw, how cute!

I just followed you :)

Ishna said…
I know, right! Thanks!
Ishna said…
Yes, yes! That set is my favorite!
Ishna said…
I hope you find mustache rings, toom they're really cute!
Ishna said…
Thank you for visiting and following, Michelle!
CutestPrincess said…
so cute. love all those accessories...

It’s a GIRL Thing
aww adorable accessories! i have the moustache ring too, they're really fun to wear :) love the collar necklace! <3
Ishna said…
Thanks! I cannot wait to wear them!
Ishna said…
They really are! Thanks!